
Project Number: S2833

Project Title: Robotic Fit / Heavy Studs

Period of Performance: AUG20 – FEB24


Currently, General Dynamics Electric Boat (GDEB) fits and welds heavy studs to the outside of the hull for external features and components. GDEB Operations identified that the installation of these studs consists of multiple manual operations that are both time-consuming and require a high skill level. The manual legacy process impacts schedule and cost on critical path installation of heavy studs required for submarine applications on the VIRGINIA (VCS), VIRGINIA Payload Module (VPM) and COLUMBIA (CLB) Class submarines.

The desired rise in VCS production rate, ongoing VPM construction and upcoming CLB construction will require an increase in production volume for GDEB Quonset Point and Groton facilities. If this higher production volume is not addressed, there is a risk the increased work will cause future delays in the overall shipbuilding schedule. With the successful implementation of the Naval Shipbuilding and Advanced Manufacturing (NSAM) Center Robotic Welding of Heavy Studs project and the automation of the legacy manual processes, a significant decrease in labor hours per installation can be realized.

The major challenge is automatically locating and welding heavy studs that require tight tolerances with respect to location, orientation and fillet weld leg size. Some of the studs require the stud to be beveled before it is welded to the hull. Manual arc welding of the studs is conducive to over-welding and requires rework to remove excess weld reinforcement so the mating component can seat properly.


GDEB recognizes the importance of implementing a robot system to locate and weld heavy studs to the exterior of the hull. Robotic stud welding has the potential to reduce the build schedule by decreasing the time it takes to locate and weld the studs, which will, in turn, minimize machining and rework. A robotic process would automatically locate / fit / tack the studs and produce an acceptable first-time quality weld profile on a critical component. The purpose of this robotic system is to reduce cost, reduce span time, increase robotic applications at GDEB and provide a solution for GTAW welding of heavy studs that currently does not exist at GDEB. The goal is to reduce evolution span time from 120 days to a target of 70 days.

This technology, once implemented, is projected to provide VCS and CLB combined five-year savings of $9.0M.


With an August 2020 start and a project duration of 42 months followed by a 12-month implementation period, implementation is expected in the second quarter of FY2025.

*Prepared under ONR Contract N00014-19-D-7001 as part of the Navy ManTech Program.

*DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. DCN# 0543-545-23