Project Number: S2980
Project Title: Temporary Services Call Board
Period of Performance: MAY23- MAY25
Temporary services, such as hot work, ventilation, welding lines, electric lighting, power, compressed air, scaffolding, and various other services are essential in construction of all Navy ship platforms. The scheduling of temporary services within the Ingalls Shipbuilding (Ingalls) shipyard is a manual process where shipboard requests for such services are tracked with a pen and a clipboard. All too often in the construction of a ship, the lack of essential temporary services like power and internet services when needed has impacted execution of the complex shipbuilding schedule. Temporary services such as forklifts, hot work, ladders, lines, and power are currently scheduled through a manual paper process. This introduces inefficiencies in planning and scheduling, potentially affecting the timely execution of individual work packages and overall adherence to the construction schedule. The manual temporary services management process is slow, inconsistent, and enables user error, and driving schedule delays. The antiquated paper process and insufficient tracking system are driving errors and schedule delays, which are primed for improvement through the incorporation of an improved digital toolset that permits visibility of interdependencies across work packages and platform construction programs, priorities, and constraints.
This Naval Shipbuilding and Advanced Manufacturing (NSAM) Center project is developing an automated management toolset to provide immediate visibility of the location and performance of key service resources, thus reducing labor costs through increased process efficiency. The improved process will enable timely fulfillment of temporary services requests while also minimizing travel distances of relocatable temporary services to the workstation and maximizing temporary service availability at the workstations. This will improve visibility of real-time status and location of equipment by superintendents, supervisors, and other process owners.
This project is expected to result in combined five-year savings of approximately $2.6M.
The Temporary Services Call Board is expected to be implemented at the Ingalls facility during the 1Q FY2026.
*Prepared under ONR Contract N00014-24-D-7001 as part of the Navy ManTech Program.
*DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. DCN# 2024-10-17-189